Circular innovation

Eco-Design x our DNA

Eco design has always been at the heart of our product development. This is a guideline in all clients projects.

We focus on the environmental performance of your products so you can meet new user and legislative requirements.

life cycle analysis of an air purifier

Eco-Design x our mission

Our eco-design mission is to support the development of your products to combine the environmental, aesthetic and strategic criteria of your project.

life cyle analysis from Punctuate Design

What is eco-design?

According to the ISO 14062 standard, eco-design is the integration of environmental aspects into the design and development of products with the aim of reducing the negative environmental impacts of products throughout their life cycle.

The paradox of eco design from Punctuate Design

The paradox of the eco-designer

Creativity and eco design seem to be faced with a dualism, where the priority given to one seems to jeopardize the quality of the other.

At Punctuate, we integrate eco-design from the first strategy definition workshops with our clients.

Work examples



Life Cycle Analysis
Héra Care Solution

Héra Care Solution

Eco-social design
Yu - Pregnancy test

Yu - Pregnancy test

Low tech


Design for reparability
Olo - Air purifier

Olo - Air purifier

An eco-designed air purifier
Hydro Quebec

Hydro Quebec


Eco-design services

By applying the principles of eco-design as soon as possible, we avoid wasting time associated with re-working the product when choosing eco-design strategies.

With our expertise, we are able to carry out life cycle analysis on existing products, but also to take eco-responsible initiatives from the first versions of your products.
Environmental assessment on circular innovation from Punctuate design

Environmental assessment

Life cycle analysis and report

Environmental communication on circular innovation from Punctuate design

Environmental Communication

Support for "0% green-washing" communication

Strategic support on circular innovation from Punctuate design

Strategic Support

Eco-design strategies

training and workshop on circular innovation from Punctuate design

Training / Workshop

Eco-design issues, Life cycle analysis, Strategies according to the phases of the product life cycle