Winning the Grand Prix du design in 2 categories


We are delighted to learn that the Novagrow indoor micro-garden, which was designed by our design studio at Punctuate Design Studio, is now recognized as a product of excellence! 

novagrow winning grand prix du design Gold

Congratulations to Novagrow for winning the Grand Prix du design in 2 categories:

GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN – 14th edition

Discipline : Industrial Design & Product Design

Categories : Industrial Design / Consumer Goods : Gold Winner

Categories : Special Awards / Wood Featured in Industrial & Product Design : Platinum Winner

The GRAND PRIX DU DESIGN is a competition held in Montreal, whose objective is to reward the most inspiring architects and designers by recognizing the excellence of their work. Projects or products are evaluated by a team of renowned experts in the world of design, based on criteria adapted to the professions and the way they evolve. This year, the 14th edition of the awards welcomed candidates from over 30 countries, taking the opportunity to participate in the first international edition of the Grand Prix Du Design.

Novagrow is an indoor garden, allowing its users to cultivate about twenty species of herbs and vegetable shoots throughout the year. Each of these species has been selected beforehand, among those that grow the fastest, to offer users a healthy, abundant and pesticide-free food. With this product, Novagrow gives its consumers the possibility to manage their own food but also to make a first step towards food self-sufficiency.

The product is composed of several bamboo wood supports, on which are placed growing mats. These mats, themselves made of biodegradable bamboo fibers, are composted at the end of each cycle and have the role of replacing the soil in this system. The device is easy to use, with its automatic LED lighting with low consumption and its autonomous irrigation. It is also possible to change the parts without difficulty, when they become defective. This indoor micro-garden is the perfect balance of wood, greenery and subdued lighting, bringing a touch of ambiance and elegance to your kitchen.

To learn more about this product, feel free to visit Novagrow or Punctuate Design Studio

About the awards from Grand Prix du Design

Platine Winners

One Platinum Award is handed out in each subcategory of the Grand Prix du Design. Based on a point system (1-100), the Platinum Award is given to the project or product with the highest note (above 80) in its subcategory.
The Platinum winner will receive both an honorary plaque and certificate.

Gold, Silver and Bronze certificates

This Gold, Silver or Bronze certification are awarded to projects and products having satisfied or surpassed, in the Jury’s eyes, the evaluation criteria of an efficient design.

More about the Grand Prix du Design: